I just watched a TED talk by Ronny Edry, and it was a brilliant segue from my weekend into the working week.
On Saturday night, Martina & I went to see Heidi Baker talk at a conference in Sarasota called Love Them to Life. Her mission involves living in Mozambique, and planting churches and opening orphanages with a simple root in love. She loves people to life, meeting their needs in the moment they’re in, whether that’s trimming someone’s nails, or giving them some water or shelter.
It really struck a chord with Martina & I and we have vowed to live a more love-centric life.
Then, this morning, I watched this TED talk by Ronny, and he discussed how his simple graphic designs went viral and gained a lot of media attention. The premise of his campaign is that despite what the politicians might say, the general populus of Israel loves Iran. It sparked a flock of people to join with him and express their love for their fellow humans through the simplicity of a photo. It even sparked Iranians to replicate the campaign back towards Israel.
It just goes to show that everyone has love within them, and everyone wants love, and there is an innate desire to give and receive love. I encourage you to watch the TED video below and join me in pledging to love a little more.