Sleep is God: Go worship

Russell Foster is a neuroscientist and he does a lot of research into sleep. His engaging TED talk reiterates a lot of what we’ve probably heard our whole lives: that we aren’t getting enough sleep. But we are now starting to understand some of the science behind it. Russell encourages us to stop the cycle of limited sleep and caffeine stimulation in favour of listening to our bodies and honouring the light/dark cycle that our bodies observe to keep us being the best that we can be.

Stop making breastfeeding weird

Even before I left the UK, people were starting to get a bit weird about breastfeeding in public, but it was still fairly commonplace.

After moving to the States, I’ve realised that it’s an action which is much more taboo on this side of the pond, which infuriates me to no end.

Martina showed me a blog post about it recently that sums up exactly how I feel about it, so I encourage you to read it and actively support breastfeeding mothers and stand against bigots who see naturally nourishing your child as some sort of shameful act.

Read the blog post

3 a.m. sit-ups

When you have a baby, you learn to make the most of every minute. So when she wakes up for a feeding at 3 a.m., getting in some sit-ups is perfectly sane!

Thug Kitchen – my new favourite food blog

Most food blogs are very much the same: just putting up your nice recipes that you just mastered and sharing them with the world. Thug Kitchen is nothing like that. Which is why I love it so much.

You only need about three seconds on the site to see what makes it so different, so I’m going to give you those three seconds to check it out now, before I spill the beans. Check out Thug Kitchen.


Thug Kitchen is a vegan food blog, that doesn’t pull any punches. The site’s tagline just about sums it up: “Eat like you give a fuck”.

Diet and medicine

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.

-Ayurvedic proverb

I firmly believe that the root of most of our ailments can be found in our diet. Fix that and you’ll find a new lease on life.

When kids grow kale, kids eat kale

In a refreshingly raw and inspiring talk, Ron Finley tells use how he is trying to transform South Central (Los Angeles) into an area filled with urban gardens. His talk is filled with comedy, noting that they need to make gardening sexy, suggesting that kids can become “gangsters” who have shovels as their weapon of choice, and that if people want to discuss helping him with his project, they can forget about doing it in cushy chairs: they need to come down to the garden and help plant him some shit!

Nature’s scrub brush

Heard this great summary of kale’s magical powers on TV last night:

Kale: nature’s scrub brush.

Dewey, Southland

Categorised as Vegan