4th of July: a moral dilemma

Well, today is the 4th of July, which America knows as Independence Day and the rest of the world knows as the 4th of July.

Today presents the first of many moral dilemmas to come for me. Thing is, I’m British – quite proudly so – and I never really “got” or “cared for” American culture, so imagine my quandary when I fell in love with an American and moved here.

That wasn’t too hard to deal with, but now things have become more complicated. By virtue of Ellie being born in America, she is now an American citizen, and will be going to American schools and working with Americans.

Thug Kitchen – my new favourite food blog

Most food blogs are very much the same: just putting up your nice recipes that you just mastered and sharing them with the world. Thug Kitchen is nothing like that. Which is why I love it so much.

You only need about three seconds on the site to see what makes it so different, so I’m going to give you those three seconds to check it out now, before I spill the beans. Check out Thug Kitchen.


Thug Kitchen is a vegan food blog, that doesn’t pull any punches. The site’s tagline just about sums it up: “Eat like you give a fuck”.

Week 1 Baby Essentials

Well, Ellie is now officially one week old. It’s been a little testing at times, but for the most part, it’s just been incredibly fun watching her grow and learning her idiosyncrasies.

There’s been a few things that have really made this first week a lot easier to manage, so I thought I’d write down a few of the things that we just couldn’t do without, so that expectant parents can get a headstart and make their first week a little easier:

Categorised as Children

Our experience with Katrina Hollon, Holistic Maternity

We were very excited when we first met and hired Katrina as our midwife. She just fit our personality types very well (laid back, sensible, professional, nature-driven) and we knew that it was a good fit.

Well, here we are now, over 7 months later with a baby in our hands, so I thought I’d write a little about our overall experience.

Katrina was wonderful throughout Martina’s pregnancy. She was always gentle, informative, flexible and friendly. No question was ever too stupid, no concern ever too trivial and no need ever unmet.


I think I know why God insists on marriage before sex: it’s not so much that you need a lot of intimacy to create a baby, but you sure do need a lot of intimacy to look after your wife before, during and after birth.

Diet and medicine

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.

-Ayurvedic proverb

I firmly believe that the root of most of our ailments can be found in our diet. Fix that and you’ll find a new lease on life.

Trust me, you really COULD care less

One of my biggest frustrations with America is how they’ve bastardised some aspects of the English language, especially when they make no sense at all! Take for example, the phrase “I could care less”, which should of course be “I couldn’t care less”. Watch and learn, America!


I’m not sure if the person that came up with the term for a fear of long words is a genius, or a little bit sadistic.

hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, noun: fear of long words

Categorised as Personal