Yesterday, the UK held an historic referendum in which it decided whether to remain in the European Union which it joined in 1973 or leave it altogether (Brexit).
Early this morning despite a tight race, the result was declared in favour of leaving the EU. I was very much in favour of remaining in the EU. I’m not very good at coherently collecting my thoughts into a single unified article, so here’s some thoughts I have on the whole matter:
- Regarding Nigel Farage claiming that this should be the UK’s “Independence Day”: we weren’t occupied by Europe you racist twat.
- Young people voted overwhelmingly in favour of remaining, while older people, particularly those aged over 65, voted overwhelmingly to leave. The older generation tends to be much more xenophobic than the rest of the population and their fears tipped the scales.
- Nicola Sturgeon has said that a second Scottish independence referendum was now on the able. Good for her: I’d be thinking the same thing.
- The value of the pound and British shares, particularly in banking and real estate have fallen sharply. The economic outlook for the next many years is not pretty.
- It’s sad that enough people were scared into thinking that masses of EU migrants are flooding the UK and shackling our ankles. The net contribution of EU migrants is overwhelmingly positive and EU migrants claim less benefits per capita than UK citizens.
- The amount of backtracking now taking place by those in the Leave campaign is indicative of the amount of bullshit that has been thrown around for the past few months.
- I used to be quite proud of the UK democratic process. It’s looking increasingly American with the debates, the fear, the slander and the media hype. Yuck.
- I think it’ll be a long time before the UK recovers economically. The amount of trade that will be lost over the coming years is worrying.
- The amount of time that is going to be spent over the next couple of years sifting through European legislation and deciding what should be incorporated into UK law and what should be left out is going to be a monumentous task and I fear that with the shear volume of legislation that needs to be worked through may lead to some hasty decisions.
- I imagine that in a few years, people suffering from the economic backlash, more expensive European holidays, pricier mortgages and more expensive goods will start complaining, not realising that their own short-sightedness caused a very lasting effect on how things will work for the UK.
- Despite the UK’s resounding opposition to Donald Trump (which makes me proud), this referendum has undertones of the fear invoked by his campaign.
I am quite sad, worried and concerned about what this means for the UK as a country and for the unity of the people. Scotland and Northern Ireland voted convincingly to Remain, while England and Wales wanted out. One has to now wonder about the viability of the UK, especially with Nicola Sturgeon immediately suggesting that a second Independence Referendum is already on the cards.
I respect the democratic process, despite not agreeing with the outcome, but there’s a long road ahead of us and this is truly uncharted territory so it will be interesting to see how it goes. Hopefully our worst fears aren’t realised and the UK really does come out stronger. The fact remains that even if Britain comes back stronger economically, the benefits of cooperative resolution on huge issues, like environmental protection and global warming can’t be regained.